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PiLoc is the system that provides national language localization of Palm Connected Organizers, Hanspring Visor, HandEra, IBM WorkPad, and Sony CLIE with operating system Palm OS (version 3.0 - 4.0) despite on language version of Palm OS (English, French, German and so on).
- PiLoc Polish Localization 1.0 ( 0 Kb )
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PiLoc Polish Localization |
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if you desire to buy a corporate license for PiLoc Polish Localization
- Adds national characters in the built-in system fonts
- Provides optional feature of full translation of Palm OS interface (all menus, icons, buttons, dialoges are translated into national language)
- For some languages supports basic national encoding types
- Provides convienent way of switching beetwen national language and original (Default) interfaces in the case you install full modification of PiLoc
- Allows optional translation of categories of all built-in applications
- If different national encoding tipes are available Piloc allows to switch encoding types on-line without exiting a current application and starting PiLoc options dialog
- Encodes clipboard content while you change national encoding type by special Graffiti symbol. It works like symbol convertor and you get it free!
- Provides correct search and sorting operations for texts that are wirtten in national language
- Change Graffiti layout to enable to write national characters. Changes built-in Graffiti help according to the additional symbols
- Adds to Palm OS national language on-screen keyboard layout (for some languages there is several layouts)
- Allows to use external portable keyboard (Palm Portable Keyboard, Targus Portable Keyboard, etc.) to type in national language and for some languages provides several portable keyboard layouts
- Has the convenient interface for management of PiLoc operation
- Supports various localization languages. (If you install additional language resources you will be able to use PiLoc localization in several different languages at the same time.)
- Automatically starts National Language Support after systems reset
- Has protection from cycling reset
- Supports installation into a Flash-ROM
- Automatically starts National Language Support after hard reset (if you have PiLoc installed into a Flash-ROM)
- Provides developers with open API for management of National Language Support modes. It is necessary for developing software that uses National Language Support features
System Requirements
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