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RoadLingua works with:

Palm OS powered handhelds:
- palmOne (Palm Inc.)
- Handspring
- HandEra
- Sony
- Kyocera
- Acer
- TapeWave Zodiac
- Samsung
- other PalmOS handhelds vendors
Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) powered handhelds:
- HP
- Acer
- Casio (Cassiopeia)
- Compaq
- Dell
- Fujitsu
- Hitachi
- Samsung
- Toshiba
- ViewSonic
- other Pocket PC handhelds vendors

Plucker: offline web browser (free software)

With Plucker, you can read any news or web pages you want on your Palm, at any time, simply by downloading the news from the Internet or your local system, converting it with Plucker, and sending it to your Palm with our Plucker desktop software or your normal Palm tools.

Now you can easily access RoadLingua dictionaries directly from Plucker - with a single stylus tap!

Special Offer
When invoked from Plucker, RoadLingua dictionary viewer always works in REGISTERED mode (without any feature limitations/nag screens).

  • Download Plucker (FREE)
    (Plucker 1.7.1 or later and PPI for Plucker required)
  • Download Plucker Desktop (FREE)
Plucker is free software; for details, visit Plucker website

Plucker Initial Setup

Make sure that you have Plucker v.1.7.1 or later and PPI extension for Plucker installed (PPI extension should be installed to the main handheld memory, NOT to the expansion card).

  1. Start Plucker application. Open Menu / Options / Preferences. Choose Lookup and set action as "Look up in PPI".
    If you haven't checked the box for "Word lookup always active", you can set JogDial options for word lookup or go to Menu / Options / Set keyboard/graffiti and define any keyboard or graffiti shortcut for "Lookup word" action.
  2. Start PPI application and set "Lookup word in" to "RoadLingua"
  3. Open any Plucker document in Plucker and switch to lookup mode (if it's not always on). You'll see that icon at the top right corner will change. Then tap a word you want to translate. If Lookup mode is always on, all you need is to tap a word.

Why choose Plucker?

AbsoluteWord and the Plucker Project are happy to annouce that the Plucker offline browser now works together with the RoadLingua dictionary viewer.
Plucker supports many features, including clickable images (pan and zoom), italic, narrow, and HiRes fonts, multiple concurrent databases, configurable display parameters and stylus options (gestures and hardware button navigation), ZLib and DOC compression, Perl and Python conduits and parsers, a Windows fully-integrated installer, and a whole lot more!

More about Plucker...

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