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RoadLingua works with:

Palm OS powered handhelds:
- palmOne (Palm Inc.)
- Handspring
- HandEra
- Sony
- Kyocera
- Acer
- TapeWave Zodiac
- Samsung
- other PalmOS handhelds vendors
Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) powered handhelds:
- HP
- Acer
- Casio (Cassiopeia)
- Compaq
- Dell
- Fujitsu
- Hitachi
- Samsung
- Toshiba
- ViewSonic
- other Pocket PC handhelds vendors

RoadLingua Personal ID

What is RoadLingua Personal ID?

RoadLingua Personal ID (usually referred to as Personal ID) is a unique number of eight symbols assigned to each RoadLingua installation. It is generated based on HotSync name (for PalmOS) or Device Owner Information (for PocketPC).

What is Personal ID used for?

When you buy our software, we use your Personal ID to generate unique registration keys compatible only with your handheld. This is the way we protect registration keys from being stolen or misused and prevent unauthorized software distribution.

No personal data can be extracted from the ID, either by third parties, or by AbsoluteWord itself. If you are especially concerned about privacy, contact us to learn more about algorithms we use.

Where do I get RoadLingua Personal ID?

If you have any AbsoluteWord dictionary installed, you already have the ID. Find it under About / RoadLingua menu item of RoadLingua viewer on your handheld.

Not yet installed RoadLingua viewer? Get it here!

What if my Personal ID changes?

RoadLingua Personal ID may change when you change owner information on your handheld, buy a new handheld, or hard-reset an existing one, erasing all data. In this case, we will provide you with a new set of registration keys as soon as you send us the new ID. This service is completely free and will remain free forever. It is available to any registered customer without limitations.

If your ID has changed, and you need a new set of registration keys, submit an upgrade request at
Upgrade requests are given higher priority, and usually get processed the same day you submit them.

How to find RoadLingua Personal ID on PalmOS:

Palm OS

How to find RoadLingua Personal ID on PocketPC:

Pocket PC

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