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French-German Dictionary


French-German (Français-Allemand, Französisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 35200 entries, with genders of German nouns. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words. French German Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists.

System Requirements

  • Palm OS 4.0 or above, Pocket PC 2003/2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5/6
  • RoadLingua (included with the dictionary distribution file)
  • KB of of either RAM or expansion card free space

Download Buy Online
Palm OS (ZIP)
Palm OS (Self-installing EXE)
Windows Mobile (Self-installing EXE)
Windows Mobile (CAB file)
French-German Dictionary $9.95 Buy

How To Install The Dictionary (Palm OS)

For Palm OS EXE distributions (Windows only):
  1. Run the downloaded EXE file and follow the on-screen instructions
For ZIP distributions:
  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file with WinZip (or any other unzip utility) to any folder on your PC or Mac
  2. Open Palm Desktop application
  3. Click the Install button on the Desktop application's Launch Bar
  4. In the "Install Tool" dialog box, click the User Selector and select the correct user from the list.
  5. Click Add
  6. In the "Open" dialog box, select the frager.pdband RoadLingua.prc file to install
  7. HotSync your handheld

How To Install The Dictionary (Windows Mobile)

For Windows Mobile EXE distributions:
  1. Run the downloaded frager.exe file and follow the installation instructions. RoadLingua viewer will be installed automatically.
For Windows Mobile CAB file:
  1. Copy the downloaded frager.cab file to My Documents folder of your PDA, then locate it with File Explorer and tap it once to begin the installation.
  2. CAB files DO NOT include RoadLingua viewer. If you do not have it installed already, get it here
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