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French Verbs (Verbes Français) Dictionary


French Verbs (Verbes Français) Dictionary. 66 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words and it is perfect word set to fit in memory of low-memory devices. French Verbs Conjugation Guide

System Requirements

  • Palm OS 2.0 or above
  • RoadLingua
  • 54 KB either RAM or expansion card free space


Download French Verbs Dictionary at AbsoluteWord (USA):

How to Install

Unzip the downloaded zip file with WinZip (or other unzip utility) to any folder on your PC or Mac

  1. Open Palm Desktop
  2. Click the Install button on the Desktop application's Launch Bar.
  3. In the Install Tool dialog box, click the User Selector and select the correct user from the list.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Open dialog box, select verbsf.pdb and roadlng.prc files to install.
  6. Click OK.
  7. When the Install Tool dialog box reappears, check the location in the Destination column.
  8. If you want to install verbsf.pdb to the expansion card select as the destination path /Palm.
  9. Hotsync your handheld
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